Kate McDonald, LCSW

Creativity Development

Creativity is an attitude toward life, an openness and willingness to create and fully express your connection to life through mothering or fathering, through loving, through gardening, through programming, through whatever you love to do, as well as through the "arts". As Martha Graham, an early modern dancer said,

"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy,
a quickening, that is translated through you
into action, and because there is only one of
you in all time, this expression is unique.  And
if you block it, it will never exist through any
other medium and will be lost."

Thus, developing one's creativity involves "unblocking" and "unlearning". It is getting familiar with the beautiful jewel that we each are, and what our particular "sound"is we need to "play" within the orchestra of life.

To assist clients to access their creativity, first we spend time looking at and experiencing their deepest essence through a variety of exercises, visualizations and meditations.

Then, I assist the person in identifying how he/she would like to express who they are in the world. I use creative processes to assist with this stage.

Finally we identify blocks or obstacles that get in the way of actualizing this potential and make an "action plan" to help resolve and work with these issues. Sometimes further therapy may be necessary if the blocks are significant.

The final stage is that of goal setting and support. Sometimes this is best done individually and sometimes in a group situation.

In the process of creativity development I may meet with you individually, or within a group situation. Frequently I use movement, collage, writing and other intuitive processes to assist in our work together.

If you are interested in actualizing more of who you are and what you have to express in the world, give me a call and we can do a consultation. It doesn't matter if you are 18 or 90. It's never too late to express who you really are in your life.

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